Saving the Endangered Beauties

Working to save:

Snow Leopards
Egyptian Mau Cats
Florida Panthers

Endangered Beauty

Endangered Beauty
Photo: Stephen Oachs

Thursday, December 24, 2009

The Mystical Magi

Happy Holidays to All!

I do hope you are enjoying this holiday season. I wanted to share with you my love of the Magi. These three kings, were really astrologers and mystics from the land of Ur. They had followed the star, because they could cast horoscopes and could see that an Avatar was about to be born. These great beings had studied for many years to gain this knowledge and were members of the secret school of Magi who still watch over this earth. They are not Hollywood, so they remain as illusive as ever.

I know a modern day one: Dr. Gary Young of Young Living Essential Oils, log on and see what he is doing. He is a truly great soul and brother, working to help the earth through his knowledge of the rare and beautiful oils. He is making a Documentary called "The Frankensense Trail," which is the story of how this sacred oil came to be. Filmed in Yemen, Syria and Egypt, it will be a wonderful journey through the magic and mystery of this oil, which was one gift given to the Christ. Another gift was Myrrh, which was also brought to Egypt by Queen Hatshepsut. She planted a garden of these trees before her great temple.

These oils are the medicines of eternity. I am talking about the pure, essential ones,not the type available in stores. To get them in their pure state is easy: Just log on to

I've seen a lot of healing take place with them! I use them all the time and cannot live without them!!!
It will be my pleasure to assist Dr. Gary in Egypt next month, as he goes over to complete his film. We also are shooting in a very exotic village, and old mudbrick village that will take you back to ancient times.

I hope to return to Egypt soon, and stay there forever. My work is beginning: My book, The Legend of Pa-Miu, Cat of Ancient Egypt, will soon go world wide. Then we can continue with our sacred task, to save the little Mau Cats of Egypt and build a Lab. So much work, so little time!!!

May Christmas fill you with joy. May you remember all those who have less and struggle and find some way to help them. There is always a way...Write letters and sign petitions...donate your time even if you don't have money. Get busy!!! I've found a great site: Care2. Check it out. And when doing so, sign my petition, "Saving the Greatly Endangered Florida Panther." This will go to Washington, to ask for funds in building 'wildlife'crossings on I-75 and US 41. There are less than 100 panthers left now. We have almost wiped them out. We have to help them, as they are going to disappear in our lifetime. If they do, it will be a horrible thing, too horrible for me to even think about. They are so beautiful!!! So log on and sign PLEASE! Above, is of course, a photo of a Florida Panther. Is she not the most beautiful thing you've ever seen? So graceful and dignified! I wish I could say the same for humans. I don't know who said it but: "If a man could be crossed with a cat, it would upgrade the man but downgrade the cat!"

Blessings: Khadija


1 comment:

  1. Hi Kat, I love the Florida Panther. What a beauty. I know of the cat in me.
    The Young Living Oils are with me and I will bring them out and use them more. Thanks for the reminder.
    2009 was a very personally challenging year for me and I am so glad it is over!
    I started painting again 2 days ago. Last was 30 years ago. I am thrilled and nothing can stop me now.

    Where are you now? I look forward to vicariously following you in all of your excellent adventures. Back to your writing which I have not finished reading yet.

    Unconditional Love, Gloria Lee
